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I AM Affirmations for Mental Health Wellbeing

Change your Beliefs and PAST CONDITIONING while you SLEEP! POWERFUL!! 'I AM' Affirmations for a wonderful LIFE with super RELAXING SLEEP MUSIC.unleash your mind’s full potentialSupercharges FocusDestroys Brain FogBoosts Mental Energy:My personal affirmations blog: Support this podcast:

PSchtScht! Darüber spricht man nicht.

Wir treffen uns regelmäßig und sprechen über Themen, über welche normalerweise in Organisationen und der Gesellschaft nicht (oder nicht ausreichend) gesprochen wird, obwohl der Bedarf unglaublich stark ist.Wir sprechen miteinander und manchmal auch mit Gästen, welche aus der Praxis und eigener Betroffenheit berichten können.Freut euch somit gemeinsam mit uns auf regelmäßig 30-40 Minuten Talk über Tabuthemen!Fragen? Kritik? Themenideen? Gerne an podcast@s-hoch-2.deGaby Schweller (Pflegepädagogin, B.A. und Systemische Beraterin, M.A.)Stefan Schultz (Psychologe M.Sc. & Systemischer Berater M.A.)Triggerwarnung: Diese Show enthält möglicherweise Darstellungen von Suizid, Selbstverletzung oder anderen sensiblen Themen. Zuschauer*innen, die von solchen Inhalten betroffen sein könnten, werden gebeten, Vorsicht walten zu lassen und ihre eigene emotionale Gesundheit zu berücksichtigen.Hilfe unter:

The Spotlight Recovery Podcast

The Spotlight Recovery Podcast offers inspiration and insight for those navigating the path to recovery. Tune in for thoughtful reflections, expert advice from addiction specialists, and powerful real-life stories of personal transformation. Whether you're in recovery or supporting someone who is, our podcast provides the tools and encouragement you need to thrive each day.

Faith Boost

Hi this is Pastor Andrew McLennan! I'm creating these 5 minute podcasts for active people like us. We all want to have a strong relationship with God in the midst of our hectic lifestyles. My hope and prayer is that you will be encouraged as you listen! Please leave a comment and review.

Chief Change Officer

Welcome to the world of human intelligence. Chief Change Officer is a Global Top 3% podcast on Listen Notes, ranked #1 in Careers and Top 30 in Business in the US on Apple Podcasts, and Global Top 10 in Careers in over 20 countries across America, Europe, and Asia PacificAt Chief Change Officer, we harness change as a superpower. This power is fuelled by role models who candidly and generously share their human intelligence. This isn’t digitised knowledge or AI-generated advice; it’s real, time-tested, experience-driven intelligence that blends logic and love, art and science. This show marks the 18th career transition for the host Vince Chan. Over the course of 17 prior transitions, countless role models have guided and inspired me. At critical junctions, no matter how lost or despaired I felt, I emerged stronger, better, and happier. Now, I’m here to pass that superpower on to you, uniting global voices to become your role models for career and life transformation.If you’re a g

ReConnect with Plant Wisdom

In a world where the wisdom of plants is often overlooked, we stand on the brink of a profound reawakening. How can we learn from these silent teachers that flourish beneath our feet? Recognizing plants as our equals opens a door to understanding life's intricate tapestry, revealing secrets to sustainable health and harmony on Earth. Join us on a journey into the minds of plants. Together, we'll unearth the roots of true cooperation and happiness, fostering a life in tune with the natural world. Subscribe now, and let's grow together.ReConnect with Plant Wisdom is a podcast with Tigrilla Gardenia, Nature-Inspired Mentor, Certified Life Coach (ICF PCC), and World Ambassador for Plant AdvocacyIn this podcast, we explore ancient and modern knowledge from biology to spirituality about the wonderous ways that plants can help you lead a Naturally Conscious life.“ is time to learn from the behavior of plant lifein order to better formulate models ofhuman collectivity and communicat

Couple O' Nukes

Welcome to a mental health and wellness podcast dedicated to mentoring young adults, rebuilding broken dreams, and combatting rejection. This show is your go-to resource for rebranding your life, especially if you've been forced to live someone else's dreams or have faced setbacks in pursuing your own goals.Hosted by Mr. Whiskey, a U.S. Navy veteran, author, and speaker, this podcast is designed for people who need guidance on making smart decisions, taking care of themselves, and supporting one another. It's especially helpful for young adults and those in the military. Whether you're starting over in life or simply looking for direction, you'll find valuable insights, people, programs, and practices that can help you or someone you know navigate life's challenges. Tune in for practical advice and encouragement on your journey to reclaim your dreams and live a life that's truly your own.Check Out The Website: https://couple-o-nukes-website.webnode.p

Word of Mouth

Lessons taught from the one who learned the hard way.

Daughters Who Dare

Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.

Do This First (Daily Motivational Podcast)

Do This First is a daily personal development podcast that provides science backed actionable steps to improve your success, and your life. This is a great way to stay focused on the things that matter, and become the very best you!Sana leverages everything from true life stories to poetry to convey a message of hope, inspiration, and pragmatic positivity. Tune in every day to stay inspired, and focused. Master your life, and up your game with insights from the most successful visionaries in history, and now. Follow Sana on Twitter@Until_Sana



Mix Poolik?

Mix Poolik? on eskperimentaalsaade. Mängime varjatud muusikat, räägime sündmustest ja arendame iseseisvust.

aroma channel

#關於我們 2022年,一位自由奔放的芳香療法老師,和一位細膩親切的音樂輔療老師,j在學生們的敲碗下,開立本頻道。顯露不同於課堂上的感性與理性,分享生活與生命,期待與大家一起共好,一起成長,一起分享,一起感動。 2023年9月,朝梅老師暫別本頻道,踏上個人更新之旅。 2023年10月,麗瓊老師轉型為「aroma channel」,開立個人節目【芳香聊療天】,從芳香療法、中醫療法、地中海飲食療法、亞洲香料療法等自然醫學專業,Jean老師整合30年生命中最精華的教育知識與健康生活方式,打造大健康平台,讓更多更多朋友一起共好、互利、做公益。 #項朝梅 #林麗瓊 #woman是梅麗 #中華健康樂齡協會 #歡迎加入【中華健康樂齡協會】官方FB: ----- 按讚【woman是梅麗】FB: 訂閱【woman是梅麗】YouTube頻道: 收聽【woman是梅麗】Podcast平台:Firstory、Spotify、KKBOX、Pocket Casts、Apple Podcast Powered by Firstory Hosting

Bio-Hack Your Best Life

Bio-Hack Your Best Life podcast is a captivating podcast co-hosted by the knowledgeable duo, Billy and Elisabeth Carson, whose combined expertise spans a range of intriguing topics from ancient wisdom to modern science. This podcast stands out as a unique union of their diverse knowledge bases, offering listeners a comprehensive guide to optimizing life through bio-hacking. Each episode delves into different aspects of bio-hacking, such as improving mental clarity, boosting physical health, and enhancing emotional well-being.


Uli Marinschek und Verena Seidl sind diplomierte Mental- und Resilienztrainerinnen aus Graz, Österreich, die in ihrem Podcast Herzenssache als „Soul Sisters on a Mission“ herzlich ehrlich über alltägliche Themen plaudern und dabei ihre Tipps aus dem Mentaltraining teilen. Ein Podcast über Herzenssachen, der inspiriert, zum Nachdenken anregt und gleichzeitig ein Lächeln auf die Lippen zaubert.Instagram: @herzenssache.podcast by @ulishake & @verenaseidl_Mehr unter:

Meditación para dormir

✨Bienvenidos a Meditación para Dormir, donde la magia de la meditación y las historias se funden para llevarte a un estado de serenidad profunda. Cada episodio te invita a sumergirte en un viaje hacia la tranquilidad, comenzando con suaves prácticas de respiración y relajación que crean el ambiente perfecto para un descanso reparador. Visualiza las preocupaciones del día flotando lejos, dejando tu mente clara y tranquila. Este es tu momento para conectar contigo. Sumérgete en el arte de los sueños y deja que la melodía de la historia te acompañe en este dulce deslizarse hacia el descanso. ✨ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Kháng Thương

Chữa lành luôn là một từ khóa hot. Nhưng còn việc trui rèn bản thân bằng những tổn thương nho nhỏ hàng ngày, để khi biến cố lớn thực sự xuất hiện, ta thực sự hưởng lợi từ nó thay vì sụp đổ. Thông qua cuộc trò chuyện với một họa sĩ (giấu mặt), khách mời sẽ được tưởng tượng về một viễn cảnh xấu nhất mà họ không muốn  xảy ra, và thực sự thấy một bức tranh về nó. Việc thẳng thắn đối diện với nỗi sợ sẽ đến, có giúp họ bớt lo âu khi khủng hoảng thực sự xuất hiện?

The O2X Podcast

O2X Human Performance provides comprehensive, science-backed programs to hundreds of public safety departments, federal agencies and the military. O2X works with clients to elevate culture, improve mental and physical wellbeing, support healthy lifestyles and reduce health care costs associated with injuries and illnesses. Driven by results and cutting-edge research, O2X programs are designed and delivered by a team of Special Operations veterans, high level athletes and hundreds of leading experts in their respective fields of human performance. Visit for additional information.

glücklich verkopft - der Psychologie Podcast

Bei glücklich verkopft, dem Psychologie- und Psychotherapie-Podcast mit Perspektiven aus Verhaltenstherapie und Tiefenpsychologie, stecken in jeder Folge wertvolles psychologisches Wissen, Inspiration und anwendbare Tipps aus unserer psychotherapeutischen Praxis - liebevoll und fundiert aufbereitet, zu eurer persönlichen Weiterentwicklung. Jessi, Wiebke und Clara Nora sind Psychotherapeutinnen (approbiert und i.A.) für Verhaltenstherapie und Tiefenpsychologie aus Köln und Berlin und treffen sich, als Kolleginnen und Freundinnen, zum schulenübergreifenden Expertinnen-Talk. In spannenden Interviewfolgen blicken sie außerdem auch immer mal wieder über den psychologischen Tellerrand hinaus. Es geht um Beziehungen, Stärkung des Selbstwertgefühls, den Umgang mit herausfordernden Emotionen – und um alles, was euch sonst noch glücklich(er) macht. Auf der Couch mit Ms. Skinner und Fr. Freud. Schickt uns Themenideen, Feedback und euren "Glücksmoment der Woche" an

I Missed Me

IG:@imissedmepodcast & @mafeanzuresTo whoever this may impact… Sometimes, our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us where we’re really meant to be. Sometimes change feels like loss, transformation is scary, and sometimes, to discover the best version of ourselves, we must let go of absolutely everything that’s holding us down. Welcome to i missed me, your new safe space, i hope to be part of your healing journey. With love, Mafe Support this podcast: