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Rich & Unemployed Network

Financial literacy, education, and entertainment!

Wandering Tree ®, LLC Podcast

Wandering Tree ®, LLC Podcast is the ultimate audio companion for curious and adventurous minds, offering a journey through thought-provoking discussions and unique perspectives on life, culture, and the journey of an adoptee. This show has been established with the simple goal of reaching other adoptees who may benefit from just hearing other adoptees share on the lived experience. Host, Adoptee Lisa Ann, will share the tangled roots of the life long journey as an adoptee, the search for biological connections, the good and bad of reunions and how saying "I am adopted" has connected to so many others. The candid discussions between Adoptee Lisa Ann and her guests will tackle the term "adoption" and how it is covers so many aspects of our society.

Kaffeskål med Hollund & Krogh

I Kaffeskål inviterer bestevenninnene Øyunn Krogh og Frida Hollund deg inn til intime samtaler om sex, kjærlighet, kjendislivet, fester og alt som kommer med det å være unge voksene på vei mot de store 3 0 - duoen dykker også innom politikk og passer på å holde deg oppdatert på pop-kultur og alt som kommer med det! Så kok klar en deilig kopp med kaffe og bli en Kaffeskåler du også. Vi høres Ønsker du å samarbeide med denne podcasten? Ta kontakt med hei@simpltalent.noDu kan se mer av galskapen på instagram her:@kaffe.skaal eller @oyunnkrogh & @fridahollundDenne podcasten er produsert av simpl - @simpl.talentØnsker du å samarbeide med denne podcasten? Ta kontakt med kristin@snakk.asDu kan se mer av galskapen på instagram her:@kaffe.skaal eller @oyunnkrogh & @fridahollundDenne podcasten er produsert av simpl - @simpl.talent Hosted on


Til tross for at mulighetene som liksom skal knytte oss sammen er flere enn noen gang virker det vanskeligere og vanskeligere å finne kjærligheten. Aldri før har så mange nordmenn være aleneboere, og hele 1,4 millioner av oss er single. Hvorfor er det sånn? I Datingmysteriet fra A til Å skal vi hver uke forsøke å løser datingslivets store og små utfordringer - i jakten på den store kjærligheten. Programleder: Hilde NordlundInneholder sponsoromtale. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Come Here To Me: Relationship Experts Walk the Talk

Spouses and psychotherapists Figs and Teale offer relationship advice, wit, and vulnerability with a look into real couples therapy sessions—their own.


Four years ago, I woke from a spell that I had been under since childhood. After decades of torment, I recognized my mother for what she truly was: a personality-disordered abuser. She wasn't the victim she had always claimed to be. Then I saw the same behavior and abuse tactics being adopted and applauded by the social justice left.

Living Up In A Down World

Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 plus years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.

Stahl aber herzlich – Der Psychotherapie-Podcast mit Stefanie Stahl

Der Podcast direkt von der Therapie-Couch. Ob Beziehungsfragen, Selbstzweifel oder Bindungsangst: In jeder Folge behandelt die Bestsellerautorin und Psychologin Stefanie Stahl ein spezifisches Problem mit echten Klient*innen – darunter Prominente, Paare und ganz "Normalgestörte". Mit ihrer 30-jährigen Therapieerfahrung erkennt sie rasch das zugrundeliegende Problem und zeigt Lösungswege auf, die auch dir helfen werden, dich selbst und andere besser zu verstehen. Komm mit auf Steffis Couch! Schreibt Steffi hier: -+++ Weitere Infos zu mir und meinen Werbepartnern findet ihr hier: +++ Dieser Podcast wird vermarktet durch die Ad Alliance: <a href="" rel="noopener no


Are you a giver and a doer? Are you someone who has shown your grit and powered through, and now you're ready for the other side? Now you re looking for the conversations that remind you about self care, that bring to mind grace and understanding, and give you space to reflect on purpose. Do you want more room to breathe and to live life with a little more ease? Each week, we discover tools and ways of thinking that support alignment, build stronger connections, help us find better questions, and live our best life. Most weeks we laugh, some weeks the topics touch close to home, but ultimately; this is where we grow together as seekers and thrivers. The Grit Show - growth on purpose.

Keine gute Gesellschaft - der Podcast für introvertierte Genießer

Florian Gerlach und Leonie Jerman - Vorstandsvorsitzende des Komitees für Gemütlichkeit und selbst bekennende Experten des Introventiertseins - sprechen über Job, Selbstständigkeit, Wissenschaft und Reisen.Macht euch nen Tee und kuschelt euch ein! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

"Come On, Man" Podcast

A podcast for fellow students of the game. Men who want to get better with women, and for men who just want to be better in general. We take teachings from multiple sources, and have experts on regularly to teach you how to achieve everything you want in life!

The Daily Horoscope

The Daily Horoscope is a podcast that provides daily horoscopes for all 12 zodiac signs. Each episode features a general overview of the day's energy, as well as more specific readings for love, career, finances, health, and spirituality. The podcast is hosted by a team of experienced astrologers who are passionate about helping people understand their horoscopes and use them to live their best lives.🌟 Big News! 🌟 Enhance Your Listening with Premium! Upgrade now for an uninterrupted, ad-free experience. As a Premium member, you'll gain access to our entire catalog of episodes, completely free of ads. It's just a few simple clicks to enjoy your favorite podcasts seamlessly on your preferred player. Elevate your listening journey – become a Premium member today. Click Here to join!’ve launched an Etsy sto

The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male is a podcast dedicated to empowering men to build healthier, more fulfilling relationships in all areas of their lives. Whether it's romantic partnerships, family bonds, friendships, or professional connections, this show provides insights and actionable advice for building and maintaining positive relationships grounded in mutual understanding, respect, and care. Each episode delves into the unique challenges and opportunities men face when it comes to fostering meaningful connections. The host Bryan assists men in understanding how the elements of how one approaches a problem can hinder relationship growth.Through thought-provoking discussions, real-life examples, and practical exercises, listeners gain valuable tools to improve their listening skills, empathy, vulnerability and thoughts needed for building trust and intimacy with those around them.The show also covers the importance of self-awareness, personal growth, and taking responsibility for one's action

The Holstein House Podcast

The Holstein House Podcast looks at society and culture issues affecting families in West Virginia, and the United States. From food preparation and storage, gardening, home repairs, current events and more, we’ll go round the table in 60 minutes or less.

I'm Feeling Queer Today!

I’m Feeling Queer Today is a podcast that amplifies the voices of queer youth by exploring current themes and issues through a queer lens. Produced and hosted by a team of 11 young adults from all across North America, IFQT is a combination of true-storytelling, interviews, trivia and thought-provoking discussions that center queer young voices in the national conversation around LGBTQIA+ rights, culture and activism. Executive produced by The Future Perfect Project. Visit the official show website at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Money Making Conversations Master Class

Hi, this is Rushion McDonald. Welcome to the podcast world of Money Making Conversations Master Class. I interview profits and nonprofits to learn their "Secrets to Success."  I'm a former IBM Executive with a degree in Mathematics. I started my entrepreneurial career as a stand-up comic, then became a sitcom writer, award-winning baker, social media influencer, award-winning television Executive Producer, and brand architect for super-successful celebrities and products. Money Making Conversations Master Class interviews a diverse group of celebrities, entrepreneurs, and influencers in the financial and business community with their advice and tips so you can be successful, too. It's time to stop reading other people's success stories and start building your own. People always talk about their purpose or gifts. If you have a gift, Lead with your Gift, and don't let your friends, family, or co-workers stop you from planning or living your dream. Keep Winning!https://www.moneymakingco


「心事有人知」是由鄧惠文醫師化身「阿惠」為你我的人生課題, 不論親子溝通、婆媳關係、夫妻感情、親戚五十..., 一 一解開難以梳理的問題徴結。 「心事有人知」也是「阿惠」首次挑戰以"台語"解析心理問題, 好聽不跳針,兼練台語唷! ‼【版權屬寶島聯播網所有,未經授權,不得轉載、重製,有需求請來信告知】 【立即下載 寶島聯播網APP】 蘋果 IOS| 安卓 Android| 【鄧惠文-心事有人知 Facebook】 【鄧惠文-心事有人知 youtube】 【鄧惠文-心事有人知 IG】 ※合作邀約 節目回饋與反應 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Dudes And Dads Podcast

We are two dads who have a goal of helping men be better dudes and dads, by building community through meaningful conversation and storytellingVisit our website at

Surveyor Says! The NSPS Podcast

Want to hear from the movers and shakers of the surveying profession? Each week, NSPS brings you conversations with the trendsetters and difference-makers that are helping to shape the world of surveying. Your host, NSPS Executive Director Tim Burch sits down with various personalities to discuss all things surveying, all bundled in a 30-minute conversation.

Anonymous Andrew

Anonymous Andrew Podcast: Life and the Choices We Make! A personal journey podcast. Focusing on dating and relationships. After leaving a three year relationship that I endured deception, infidelity, gaslighting, co-dependency and more, I find myself wandering alone in the desert of empty romance. Needing to break a pattern of dating behavior that brings me to my knees. This podcast explores all aspects of romance from online dating, organic dating, self-love, self-respect, choosing the right partner for a relationships and so much more. Learning to sustain a healthy relationship. Should one should stay in a relationship if it was a poor choice. I have been choosing poorly and making many of these mistakes. Staying in a toxic relationships way past their expiration date! I share my journey of a self-discovery and hoping to find new love. Making better choices. I cannot be the only one wandering around this lonely enigma of love. Hopefully I can help you and together we can find true