《小泼猴妙趣百科》原创少儿科普故事由普信文化旗下Prosee Studio精心打造,致力于将有价值的科普知识以简单易懂的方式融入到简短精彩的故事中,有温度、开脑洞,满足孩子对万物不断萌发的好奇心,潜移默化地提升孩子的科学素养和情商智慧。
Monsters Among Us Junior
Young voices sharing their spookiest paranormal experiences. Created and hosted by Derek Hayes of Monsters Among Us Podcast and co-hosted by MAU's lead researcher Delainey Bowers, Monsters Among Us Junior is a collection of first-hand eye-witness recordings made directly from kids and teens who have experienced something paranormal. Each episode features true stories about ghosts, ufos, bigfoot, and much more. Perfect for the school carpool, new episodes every Wednesday. Subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts.
CTK Story Hour
Students, teachers, and families of Christ the King Catholic Classical School in Kansas City, Kansas enjoying stories read aloud by our pastor, Father Nick Blaha. Support using Bitcoin over the Lightning Network ⚡ using Fountain.fm (or any Podcasting 2.0 app)! https://fountain.fm/fathernick?code=8ad001ce12Season One: The Children's Homer, being none other than the story of Odysseus and the tale of TroySeason Two: The Adventures of Pinocchio Enjoy Willy Pogany's astounding illustrations of Homer here:https://archive.org/details/childrenshomerad00colu/page/n8/mode/2up
專為孩子打造的優質podcast節目。 嚴選教育電臺優質兒童節目推出。 迎接開學季~第8季來囉~ 《地球探險號》 地球很大,一輩子都走不完.... 想快速了解我們所居住的這個星球嗎? 歡迎跟著地球探險號一起出發進行有趣的地球遊歷! 準備物品: 耳朵跟好奇心 探險領隊: 燕柔姊姊(主持人) 準備好了嗎?呼朋引伴出發囉! 《i動物進行式》全新一季~ 從對孩子極具魅力的「動物世界」著手,以有趣的遊戲、動聽的故事,讓兒童以輕鬆的方式,走入動物花花世界,經由趣味、多變的手法包裝科普知識,讓兒童從認知、關心到點燃對於科學的熱情和興趣。 ----- 【2024兒童月特輯】 4月3日花蓮發生規模7.2強震,全臺幾乎都感受到了令人震懾的大自然力量,除了地球本身的變化影響我們的生活外,宇宙天體的運行也會對地球的潮汐、陸地、生態系統等有所影響,今天起一連五天播出的2024兒童月特輯就讓我們一起來探索宇宙,用多元有趣的方式學習天文知識喔! ----- 第7季兒童科普節目二月即將推出囉~ 《古的科學道館》(主持人:唐妮姐姐)希望能帶領小朋友透過廣播跨越時空,認識在他們尚未出生的古代,這些古人們是如何將科學、技術、工程、藝術、數學等跨領域知識運用到生活中,從而發想、創造、解決他們日常所面臨的問題與挑戰,並藉由節目中遊戲式的引導與介紹,重新認識、了解、欣賞與尊重獨特的原住民族傳統文化及古代生活智慧科學,期待小朋友都能通過節目設計的關卡,成為「古的科學大師」,並且一同發現這些「古的」但「Good」的生活科學。 《好好吃大作戰》(主持人小茱姐姐)節目單元規劃「好吃雷達站」、「食力A計畫」、「FE大進擊」及「安心補給站」等。節目內容包括食農教育的「農業生產與安全」、「農業與環境」、「飲食與健康」「飲食消費與生活」、「飲食習慣」及「飲食文化」六大領域為取材依據,設計活潑有趣單元,傳遞具深度及廣度的食農教育兒童節目。 ---- 「生活科學小達人」 食衣住行樣樣行,生活處處有科學,生活科學小達人節目
本節目由【如果兒童劇團】製作,每一季10集,5個故事,全新第七季上線中!每週五更新,訂閱別錯過 ◆ 豬探長推理故事集 ◆ 動物界知名偵探!偵破無數案件,獲頒警界最高榮譽「獅子王銀心十字勳章」的豬探長,出現在podcast了!讓你不論是通勤,還是走路時,都可以跟著豬探長憶起推裡解謎。 一聽就上癮的推理廣播劇,用「聽」的豬探長,明星風采立刻被圈粉,讓我們一起聽下去 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cklw2tvilfnda0804tdm3oxho ———————————————— 各類合作請洽:weisbetter@gmail.com ———————————————— 【豬探長動畫線上看】 ►WOW豬探長:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_jxGyWr7EJOqIb8WHHEj5SOGR0s8HHgZ ►WOW聽故事:https://www.youtube.com/c/wowowstory/ 【豬探長也推薦】 ————————————————— 全新型態的線上互動劇場 🔍《蘿蔔蹲餐廳Go!》 . 播出時間▸2024/1/14(日) 17:00 試營運特價▸$300 馬上購票▸https://iflive.tw/ ————————————————— 🐷少年豬探長《小店·小偷·小豬探》 📍 台北親子劇場 1/20(六)10:30 14:30 1/21(日)10:30 14:30 馬上購票▸https://pse.is/5gvrqj ————————————————— 🚓救援小英雄舞台劇《波力開心過好年》 📍 台北兒童新樂園 1/27-28、2/3-4、2/10-14 馬上購票▸https://pse.is/5gvrsj
Reading with Rella B - Interactive Author Visits for Early Reader Families
Looking for a screen-free way to entertain and educate your little ones? 'Reading with Rella B' is perfect for families with early readers, offering a delightful mix of stories, riddles, and interactive exercises that will keep kids entertained and learning.Here's what you'll get:Interactive Read-Alouds 📖: Read by the authors and host.Virtual Author Visits ✨: Meet the authors and hear them share their stories and answer fun questions.Brain Break Activities 🤸♂️: Enjoy movement and imagination-based exercises and riddles.Printable Activities 🏠: Download FREE creative and educational activities perfect for supplementing your homeschool routine or just adding a bit of learning to your day.Each episode is designed to promote literacy, comprehension, and a lifelong love of reading. It's the perfect audio experience for car rides, quiet time, or anytime you want to enri
Sheriff Labrador: Mysteries of the Winter Hearth丨Detective Stories丨Safety Tips for Kids
Calling all cool little detectives! Dive into our thrilling detective audio drama and become a case-solving hero while learning important safety tips!Join Sheriff Labrador on a rollercoaster of adventures, cracking open mysterious cases! Each story is a whirlwind of surprises, challenges, and valuable safety lessons. You'll find clues, uncover truths, and learn how to stay safe in various situations.Are you ready to unlock some detective-style safety knowledge? Hop into Sheriff Labrador's Mystery Files, and let's solve mysteries together! It's all about exploring, learning, and keeping everyone safe - while having a blast! Remember, a great detective is always safe and smart!Sheriff Labrador Podcast is produced by Babybus.Email us at babybusaudio-en@babybus.com and leave your suggestion and idea!
Mystical Fairy Tales from Every Corner丨Folklore for Kids of All Ages
Timeless classic fairytales, folktales, and fables were narrated in a different way. We are going to take you on a journey of the fantastic story world. The stories tailored for kids are perfect for bedtime routines, car rides, and road trips. Let's start our incredible journey right now."Wonder Tales in Magical Realms" Podcast is produced by Babybus.Email us at babybusaudio-en@babybus.com and leave your suggestion and idea!
Thomas & Friends™ Storytime (UK)
Join Thomas and his friends on a new adventure in Thomas & Friends™ Storytime, a new podcast series featuring stories from the magical island of Sodor! With new episodes, Thomas & Friends Storytime will feature special origin stories of your favourite engines, magical fairy tales, and so much more. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts!
Encore une histoire
"Encore une histoire" est le podcast numéro 1 des familles. Il est dédié aux enfants (et à tous ceux qui gardent une âme d'enfant) qui aiment se laisser emporter par de belles histoires.Chaque semaine, découvrez une nouvelle histoire adaptée d’un grand livre de littérature jeunesse ou une création originale. Ce podcast, produit par Benjamin Muller, interprété par Céline Kallmann et réalisé par Alexandre Ferreira, célèbre l’art de raconter des histoires.Retrouvez des personnages emblématiques comme la Nat’, Eliott le dinosaure, ou Tomy le mouton. Explorez nos grandes séries originales telles que "Les vacances extraordinaires", "Les enfants naufragés" ou encore "La classe de neige infernale", des saga
Lamplighter Kids Stories
Join Rebecca and Momo McSquirrel as they bring traditional virtues to modern kids through fun and engaging stories! Young hearts and minds are formed by the stories they are told which is why each original episode will highlight a traditional virtue such as courage, grace, and beauty along with fun, original songs! Simple discussion questions are asked at the end of each episode to help kids think through the virtues presented in the story.If you're interested in subscribing to Letters from Momo, please visit: www.lamplighterkids.com*We're not associated with Lamplighter Ministries
رمان های فانتزی مدرسه عجیب و غریب
سلاممن آیلینم و براتون رمان کودک می خونم. می تونین خوانش کتاب های کودک که تصویر محور هستند رو از اینستاگراممون دنبال کنید:آدرس اینستاگرام: Aylin_storybookبرای شنیدن بقیه کتاب های صوتی هم می تونین روی اسمم کلیک کنید و کتاب های دیگه رو ببینید.مجموعه کتاب های مدرسه عجیب و غریب شامل 21 کتاب میشه. تو هر کتاب ماجرای جالبی از مدرسه الامنتری از زبان ای جی که از مدرسه بدش میاد تعریف میشه. پیشنهاد می کنم ماجراهای جذاب این سری کتاب ها رو از دست ندید Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
現在下載『媽爹講故事2.0官方版』APP 更多精彩故事 & 小知識每日更新: https://landing.momdadstory.com/story?s=podcast 【品牌簡介】 媽爹講故事是台灣知名兒童早教品牌,由親子網紅媽爹Mom&Dad為主理人,替孩子打造多樣化的精品故事與有聲內容。我們結合快樂,多元,成長三大核心理念,提供上千個原創與改編IP內容,包含繪本、童話、科普、歷史、寓言等;2-12歲孩子喜歡的故事應有盡有。 聯繫我們:momanddadtheband@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
Fairy Tales with Granny MacDuff
Granny MacDuff reads both classic and original fairy tales in this award winning children's podcast.Unlock imagination and enjoy more screen free activities at the links below!Instagram 🎧 YouTube & YouTube Kids 🎧 PatreonFor more information go to our Official Website.
Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids
Little Stories for Tiny People features original stories the whole family will love. Filled with endearing characters and inventive story lines, LSFTP is sure to spark your child’s imagination and to delight the entire family. Lovingly crafted to appeal to all ages, LSFTP is perfect for car rides, bedtime, or any time! Little Stories Premium offers even more stories, an ad-free listening experience, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast. Visit www.littlestoriespremium.com to learn more.
One Thousand and One Steps丨Growing with Each Episode of the Story for Kids
Welcome to "Growing Up Tales," the heartwarming story podcast specially crafted for children. Join us on a magical journey as we explore stories centered around the challenges and joys of growing up. Through tales of family bonds, friendships, setbacks, and the mysteries of life, our podcast provides a delightful space for young minds to navigate the intricate web of emotions and experiences. Each episode is a treasure trove of lessons, laughter, and love, making "Growing Up Tales" the perfect companion for every child's developmental adventure.Subscribe to the podcast and let your family spend delightful moments together!
Les dents et dodo
3 min c'est la durée recommandée pour le brossage de dents, 3 min c'est aussi la durée du podcast « Les dents et dodo » destiné aux enfants pour les accompagner de manière ludique et éducative dans le brossage de dents, en leur faisant découvrir une histoire vraie intemporelle qui s'est passée près ou loin de chez eux
以天馬行空的奇幻原創故事,勾起孩子的好奇心,跳脫框架,一同探索認識這個多元充滿魅力的世界。 故事扣合核心素養,兼具趣味性、知識性與啟發性,主題包含:多元平權、台灣在地特色、世代對話、經典藝術史、與生命教育。 目前已完結的五季故事: 1️⃣ 十公主:顛覆公主童話,打破刻板印象的框架,讓女孩男孩都能在擅長的領域大展長才💪 2️⃣ 袖珍動物園:跟著逗趣的動物們一起環島,認識台灣的風土與地貌、人文與生態! 3️⃣ 玉山鐘聲:玉山和爸爸阿鐘的跨世代對談,聽默契極佳的父女,暢聊生命中的難忘回憶 4️⃣ 破案姊妹花:藝術偵探故事,結合世界名畫與懸疑元素,帶領孩子感受藝術的美好❤️ 5️⃣ 柵柴116:藉由寵物自述的角度,以奇幻魔法與日常瑣事,帶出笑與淚兼具的生命教育 邀請各位大小探險家一起來蓋玉山故事館,支持玉山持續創作更多好聽的故事跟大家分享,贊助連結:https://p.ecpay.com.tw/D096CD2 玉山故事館的粉絲專頁在這裡,請大家常常來串門子聊天留言: https://www.facebook.com/yushanstory/ 各類合作與企劃,均歡迎來信討論:blueyushan@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
一週七天,每天帶給小朋友探索不同的世界,有科技新知、人類發明、音樂娛樂、終身學習、休閒觀光、自我探索、信仰故事…… 讓我們學習不間斷,也不拘泥只應付升學考試的書本內容,而是將學習生活化、探索學習化,才能建立孩子健康身心靈的發展。主持人將多加運用台灣知名兒童雜誌中的內容,來分享給收聽的小聽眾們,千萬不要錯過喔。 Powered by Firstory Hosting