节目主理人 小松有约“小松有约” 是什么样的专辑?小松从事青少年教育活动18年,积累了非常多的成功案例及经验,帮助了数不清的”小魔兽“变成”小神仙“,让宝爸宝妈摆脱烦恼、享受孩子成长的快乐...
《小泼猴妙趣百科》原创少儿科普故事由普信文化旗下Prosee Studio精心打造,致力于将有价值的科普知识以简单易懂的方式融入到简短精彩的故事中,有温度、开脑洞,满足孩子对万物不断萌发的好奇心,潜移默化地提升孩子的科学素养和情商智慧。
Special أم
Parenting Podcast to all Arabic speaking mothers discussing all issues related to motherhood & parenting to empower mothers to enjoy their children in addition to solving daily and more major challenges that face families having neurotypical & neurodivergent kids with love & compassion.بودكاست موجهة لكل أم متحدثة باللغة العربية لتناقش كل المواضيع المختصة بالأمومة و التربية لتمكين الأمهات ليستمتعوا بأولادهم بالإضافة الي إيجاد حلول للتحديات اليومية و التحديات الكبري التي تواجه أي اسرة بها أطفال لديهم تنوع عصبي أو نمط عصبي متعارف علية بالحب و العطف.
Falling for Learning Podcast
This podcast supports parents and caregivers in gaining the tools and information needed to keep the next generation on track for learning and on track for success!New episodes released Saturdays at 5 p.m. Pacific Time.Follow us: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fallingforlearning/. Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/fallingforlearning/.
4 Fit Fatherhood
The 4 Fit Fatherhood podcast with conversations with dope dads covering the 4 Pillars of Fatherhood, the Fit Fatherhood Formula= faith + family + finance + fitness Follow the podcast @ www.4fitfatherhood.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/4fitfatherhood/support
Adoption: The Making of Me. An Oral History of Adoptee Stories
Two adult adoptees, Sarah Reinhardt and Louise Browne, delve into all things adoption - from their perspectives as adult adoptees. Each season Sarah and Louise recap a chapter from a book centered on adoption and then interview a guest. Sarah and Louise come out of the 'fog' in real-time through Seasons One and Two and are advocating for change in the adoption industry. They want to give voice to all adoptees. Adoptee stories are needed to reframe the narrative around adoption.Sarah and Louise, two former business partners who had a successful ice cream truck in Los Angeles, team up again - this time in frank and honest conversations about all things adoption from the adoptee perspective. Both were adopted shortly after birth, but they had very different experiences. These will be intimate conversations, but also fun - because Sarah and Louise know how to lighten things up and have a good time. They also have an uncanny ability to get to the heart of a subje
The Wandering Ma Podcast
For moms who are wandering through motherhood, both literally and figuratively.
Dad Saves America
Dad Saves America is all about celebrating dads and fatherhood. Fatherhood is the greatest opportunity to make a positive impact you will have in your lifetime. We’re figuring out how to raise a generation of resilient, independent-minded kids who are ready to embrace freedom in their future. Top experts and engaging personalities, including Adam Carolla, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Adam Curry, Daymond John, and Jay Glazer, trade stories of childhood, parenthood, and all the issues impacting how we raise our kids with host John Papola. www.dadsavesamerica.com
Kickn It With Coffee
🌟 Welcome to "Kickn It with Coffee"! Brew, Sip, Chat! ☕️🎙️👭 Meet Your Hosts:Join Jackie and Kim, lifelong friends, on a roller-coaster of laughs, heart-to-hearts, and all things life over a cup of steaming coffee. From the highs of hilarious escapades to the lows of life's unpredictable twists. With backgrounds in parenting, diverse careers, and everything in between, they bring a refreshing and relatable perspective to the world today. It's a caffeinated adventure that's as bold as your favorite brew!🚀 ✨ Grab your coffee, hit play, and let's kick it! ☕️📧 Connect with Us:Have a story to share or a topic you'd love us to discuss? Reach out to us at hello@kicknitwithcoffee.com.Subscribe now for a weekly dose of warmth, laughter, and meaningful conversations. Your journey just got a whole lot better with "Kickin It with Coffee"! 🚀✨
The SEND Sisterhood
Curious about life behind the scenes of special needs? Hosted by Natalie (mother to "JJ" and Social Worker) and Danise (mother to "Panda", former teacher, parent advocate and Founder of @pandastree_blackdsuk); the SEND Sisterhood podcast offers pure, unapologetic, parent perspective on what it is like to live in and navigate Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) world. The Send Sisterhood was created with everyone in mind, inviting all to listen and learn from their unique parent perspectives. Updates on future episodes: @thesendsisterhood Contact: 2thesendsisterhood@gmail.comMusic by SK @GMGOmusic
Two Doting Dads with Matty J & Ash
Two Doting Dads is a podcast series that follows the parenting escapades of two good mates, Matty J and Ash Wicks. Like all good modern relationships, they met on Instagram and instantly bonded over the fact that they were both sleep-deprived Dads doing their best to dote over their two children. They share a very laid-back style to parenting, they don't pretend to be experts and they celebrate every single parenting mishap (which there are plenty). If you're listening for parenting advice, you've come to the wrong podcast.
Dudes And Dads Podcast
We are two dads who have a goal of helping men be better dudes and dads, by building community through meaningful conversation and storytellingVisit our website at DudesAndDads.com
Willkommen bei Pädagogik & Pinot mit Fea Finger und Sarah Bauer. In diesem Podcast unterhalten sich die beiden Pädagoginnen und Referentinnen über pädagogische Themen und das Leben. Dabei nehmen sie kein Blatt vor den Mund und sprechen ganz offen über ihre Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Erfolge im pädagogischen Alltag.Fea und Sarah sind beide erfahrene Erzieherinnen und (stellvertretende) Leitung und haben schon viele Jahre in der Bildungswelt verbracht. Sie sind sich einig, dass Pädagogik nicht nur ein Berufung, sondern auch eine Leidenschaft ist. In ihrem Podcast teilen sie ihre Gedanken und Ideen zu verschiedenen pädagogischen Themen und darüber hinaus.Pädagogik & Pinot ist der perfekte Podcast für alle, die sich für Pädagogik interessieren und das ganze wie bei einem Abend mit Freunden locker und leicht möchten.
Bienvenue dans l'univers de "Papatriarcat", le podcast qui s’engage résolument pour les droits de l'enfant et contre les stéréotypes de genre. À travers un voyage audacieux mêlant témoignages poignants et analyses d'experts, "Papatriarcat" est bien plus qu'un simple podcast sur la parentalité. C'est un mouvement, un appel au changement, visant à placer les relations avec les enfants au cœur de notre vie familiale et sociale.Dans chaque épisode, nous explorons les divers aspects de la parentalité moderne avec un objectif clair : comprendre et déconstruire les schémas traditionnels qui limitent l'épanouissement des enfants et des parents eux-mêmes. Ce podcast est votre rendez-vous incontournable si vous aspirez à une société plus équilibrée, où l'égalité des genres et le respect des droits des enfants sont au premier plan.Notre approche est double. D'une part, nous donnons la parole à des parents, des enfants et des jeunes adultes qui partagent leurs expériences vécues,
Dad Mind Matters: Parenting, Marriage & Mental Health For Men
Helping men safely navigate family life without losing their mind.I am James Macdonald and 5 years ago, I was stressed and overwhelmed at my role as a husband and (exhausted) father of 3, not really knowing how to be the best man I could be.Many years, pitfalls and enough flat whites to sink a battleship later, I’m a lot happier and confident and on a mission to help other dads be the best family man they can be without losing their minds.Dad Mind Matters is for the new(ish) dads who feel totally overwhelmed at their new responsibility and feel like their mental health is on a slow and silent decline. For the men who always feel like they’re in the doghouse but don’t know why. Here you’ll learn effective and actionable ways to deal with things such as toddler tantrums, passive aggressive partners and hopefully getting more happiness and laughter into your life. You are not alone in how you are feeling, and in Dad Mind Matters you will find a much-needed place where hopefully you’ll
While they're all losing their minds, let's play StarFall2029!StarFall2029 is a story-telling Live Action Role Playing gamification of Christian Discipleship through Biblical literacy, in the fine radio tradition of Orson Welles, with a true Scot's undershanding of George Orwell, and a touch of Joe Rogan the Bible Answer Man, StarFall2029 in your ongoing community ruleset for the hard reset your Christian dialogue has been desperately in need of. Psalms, Proverbs and Red Letters in Jesus' Name, for the win, every time.
The Fallible Man Podcast
Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your ultimate destination for men seeking to improve themselves as husbands, fathers, and individuals. Our mission is to provide valuable content that inspires men to unlock their full potential and excel in every aspect of their lives. As we believe that men play a crucial role in shaping society and the world, we are committed to empowering men at any stage of their journey. Our show features insightful conversations with leading experts, authors, and entrepreneurs who share practical tips and actionable strategies that can help you achieve your goals. Tune in on Wednesdays for our guest shows, and on Fridays for shorter and concise solo episodes. Join us and start building your toolbox today to unleash your full potential and take your life to the next level!
Getting Hammered
It's not easy keeping up with the news—especially when you're a parent. Mary Katharine Ham and Vic Matus know that well. And while they can't get your kids to school on time (and without ketchup in their hair—ask Mary Katharine about that one), they can break down the news you need to know. Put the kids to bed, pour yourself a drink, and join us twice a week for Getting Hammered.
Ako vyhackovať otcovstvo
Nemáme odpoveď na to, ako byť najlepším otcom. A vieme, že univerzálna odpoveď ani neexistuje. No spoločne chceme hľadať inšpiráciu od skúsenejších (nielen otcov).Aj keď o rodičovstve dnes už existuje veľa dostupných zdrojov, mnohé sú zamerané na mamičky alebo písané skôr ženským jazykom. (Čo je samozrejme super, teším sa z toho a fandíme!) Pri debatách s inými otcami sme si však uvedomili, že niektoré veci potrebujeme počuť iným, otcovským jazykom.Napriek tomu, že naši hostia sú odborníkmi vo svojich oblastiach, cieľom podcast nie je volať si a rozprávať sa s expertmi na konkrétne témy.V prvom rade sa rozprávame s otcami a o ich prístupe k rodičovstvu.Chceme riešiť to, čo nás samých zaujíma – od výchovy a limitácie výchovy, cez stravovanie, vzdelávanie, až po sebapoznávanie a úlohu otca v dnešnej dobe. A mnoho iného.
Sisterhood Meets Motherhood
The podcast where Two goddesses (who happen to be related by marriage✨) discuss all things family, purpose, sisterhood, faith, spirituality, and all the other divinely messy parts of womanhood. Every other week, Kendra and Sophie unmask from all the daily roles required of the modern woman... to bring you refreshing and truthful conversations that remind you that you are, in fact, never alone on the journey. P.S. We love getting to know our growing community. Please find our contact information at the end of each episode description and reach out if you'd like to connect! Follow us on instagram @sisterhoodmeetsmotherhood